We design flows based on the use-cases with a holistic consideration.
We deploy the conversational digital agents at the places that your customers spend most of their time in the digital ecosystem to reduce the overall engagement TAT.
We design the ML model for your conversational digital agent based on the use-cases, channels of integration, and the languages that the digital agent would speak.
The design guide is prepared based on use-cases, UI elements, channels of integration, and language capabilities. This design guide is shared with our engineers and your team for any enhancements.
For Conversational AI enablement to be successful, it should be a factor in enterprise readiness and follow a rigorous discovery process that validates business logic. We identify and prioritize integration opportunities to match the ability and willingness to transition to an AI-powered enterprise driving engaging customer conversations.
Transforming your design into reality. From a simple informational chatbot or voiceBot to a more advanced bot requiring ‘Natural Language Processing’ and complex integrations, we develop the CDA's which are both simple to use and nimble in nature no matter how complex or custom the requirements are.
Bringing the conversational digital agent to life, enhance your brand value by engaging with your customers effectively and in real-time on any digital channel. It’s time to train, test, deploy, and maintain your conversational agents. Considering “Change is only Constant,” the conversational agents will always be in tweak-train-test-track mode.